16 proven healthy eating habits to lose weight – Eating Habits

Eating habits for healthy, while living in today’s world seems to be the biggest challenge ever. Everyone is in a rush to make money. Money making process has made us the prey of a sedentary lifestyle. Hence, made us pay a huge penalty in terms of deteriorating our own well-being.

According to WHO, healthy well-being is termed to one who is emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually doing well. Most of the population has turned into money producing machines and has channelized themselves as a colonized brain that in turn affected our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. By reaching our mid-thirties we are either struggling with some lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated lipid profile, etc. or depression or in some cases even both.

To overcome this stressed living, one may start to eat healthy to lose weight. Reduction in weight helps in curing 60-70% of our dealings. Thereof, here are useful for eating habits, easy yet healthy recommendations:

  1. Munch on 2-3 varieties of fruits daily.
  2. Include 3-4 bowls of raw, steamed, or sautéed seasonal vegetables.
  3. Include a small portion of protein in all meals.
  4. Add 1-2 whole eggs daily, if you are an eggetarian.
  5. Choose healthy fats instead of vegetable oil, lard, or margarine.
  6. Opt for lean meat instead of red meat.
  7. Add fishes like shellfish, tuna, mackerel, salmon, etc.
  8. Chew well.
  9. Drink 3-4 liters of water daily even if you stay indoors.
  10. Follow “THE PLATE CONCEPT”.
  11. Cherish the food while eating.
  12. Don’t think too much while eating. Rather enjoy food.
  13. Sit at a place and eat.
  14. Don’t skip meals.
  15. Don’t club two meals together.
  16. Add 45-90 minutes of any sort of physical activity.

Some of the healthy and complete food combination

Below are the enlisted foodstuffs that must be included in the diet regime in order to reduce weight. The list includes the following:

  1. High water-based foods like melons, cucumber, etc.
  2. Green leafy vegetables.
  3. Whole eggs.
  4. Fresh fatty fishes.
  5. Lean Meat.
  6. Boiled potatoes.
  7. Lentils or beans.
  8. Soups.
  9. Nuts and Seeds.
  10. Milk.
  11. Fruits.
  12. Apple cider vinegar.
  13. Whole grains.
  14. Superfoods.

To lose weight eat healthily and do exercise is the only proper consideration. To maintain proper timing of food, indulge in small meals, and avoid overeating. As it is rightly said that a toned body is built 70 percent in the kitchen and 30 percent in the gym.

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