
Why Should Use Instamojo, India’s 100% Free payment Gateway?

Nowadays everyone wants to launch own offline business online. Whether you are dealing with services or products but if you want to sell your services or products then you need a website with payment gateway.

At this time, I am not sure about what type of service or products you want to sell, but I can give the best option for payment gateway.

Instamojo, It is a very popular payment gateway in India, and it is 100% Free.

How Instamojo will be free? does it not charge any transaction fees?

Yes, Instamojo also charges transaction fees or commissions but there is an option which you can set as a convenience fee which will pay by your buyer. You will get an exact amount in your bank which you want to receive.

Instamojo Free Payment Gateway, Free payment gateway in India

After signup or registration just login to Instamojo account and set convenience fees, and relax.

How many payment options available by using Instamojo gateway?

You will get almost all payment solutions which included
Credit Card
Debit Card

So you can see, your buyer can make your payment easily.

Does Instamojo provide any API for an opensource project?

Yes, After login to your Instamojo account, you can download API or plugin for your opensource software like Opencart, WordPress, Magento, Drupal, CS cart and Android applications.

How to install Instamojo Free payment Gateway?

Instamojo Installation :
If you have created your website self, then you can download plugin files from Instamojo and upload all to in your web hosting root.
After that login to your web store and install plugin.
You can contact us for support, we will help you with the little number of fees. (Rs.500 to Rs.2000)

How to use Instamojo Gateway without a website?

If you don’t have a website then don’t worry, you can still sell your products online. Just signup Instamojo account and create a web store. In the web store, you can list your product or service and send the payment link to your buyer by WhatsApp and email.

Although, nowadays anybody can create or launch a website with a small investment. We suggest you to if you running any offline business then you should also launch a website. You can buy the domain and hosting to start with.

Get Payments Settled with Faster Payouts

Why wait 3 business days for payments to hit your bank account? Faster payouts help get your payments settled sooner based on your business requirements. Instamojo payment gateway giving you an exclusive feature where you can get payment from gateway same days. But there are some nominal charges apply. It is helpful for those merchants who have a low budget in a business account.

Instamojo provides two simple options to get your payments settled faster.

Same Day Payout – Schedule payment settlements up to 3 times in a day
Next Day Payout – Get payments settled the next business day

Are there any other benefits apart from?

Yes, Instamojo running promotional offers for new signups, so If you will signup today, then you will get Rs.500 back to your account. You can join Instamojo Today

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