
Neglected warnings that indicate Kidney Disease – Kidney

Individual show certain signs which we fail to notice in the early stages of the kidney disease. These may lead to some chronic ailment. So, today we are talking about some very common negligence made by many of us which specify that Kidneys are at risk. It is commonly noted that until kidneys are poorly malfunctioned one can hardly get a chronic disease.

It is rightly said, “prevention is always better than cure”. If in case we were incapable of inhibiting the onset of disease, we must try not to overlook the early mark. The progression of acute disease into chronic can be delayed or prevented only if we do not overlook the early signal that our body shows. The negligence of warning signs may result in the biggest deterioration of the kidney’s health. Kidney disease is often recognized as a silent killer. It is due to the fact that kidney diseases are majorly detected at the very end phase.

Kidneys filter out the waste products from the blood and hence maintains blood pressure, production of red blood cell, electrolyte equilibrium. There are various reasons that may hinder kidneys’ normal functioning and further lead to its disease. The major reason for chronic kidney disease comprises of hypertension, chewing of tobacco or smoking, diabetes, obesity, CVD, Genetics, age, and more.

There are certain signs that kidney shows before it is detected critically in end-stage. These most common warning marks are as follows:

Urinary Function –

One may notice the change in urinary patterns. A sudden shift in the urine volume can be one of the indicating sign. Another cautioned symptom can be the frequency of using the washroom to evacuate bladder. Also, note the nocturia, urinary incontinence, color of the urine, urge to urinate but unable to do so, undue foaming or frothing in urine, presence of any peculiar smell of urine.

Inflammation in the Lumbar region

Kidneys are found just below the ribs on either side at the back of the abdomen. This region is known as the Lumbar region. If the pain travels from front to back followed by burning sensation while urinating with the episodes of vomits. Consult, a doctor immediately.

Difficult urination

If you may diagnose painful urination or difficulty while you pass urine which is followed by back pain or fever. Then I guess it’s a time to see a doctor preferably a Nephrologist.


It is characterized by blood in the urine. An emergency condition to meet a doctor. This sign is often known as a marker of early kidney disease. Hematuria may occur due to renal stones, urine infections or injury to kidney filter which is known as glomerulonephritis.


Erythropoietin is a hormone produced by the kidney. This hormone carries oxygen in red blood cells. When kidneys malfunction the production of the hormone is affected badly, hence results in anemia. Also, the loss of blood in urine may result in anemia too.


Oedema is referred to as a condition characterized by the swelling of ankles and/or feet, puffiness of the face, and stiff hands. Oedema is referred to a condition where kidneys are incapable of drawing out of extra water and salts from the body. Oedema results when kidneys are malfunctioning.


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