
What is the difference between SC PC and SC APC?

Difference between an SC/PC and SC/APC –

If you are confused about SC/PC and SC/APC then here you can check few details before choosing the right SC/PC and SC/APC adapter or Fiber cable.

The most visible difference between the two adapters is color. Most Singlemode SC/PC adapters are blue and SC/APC adapters are green.

This allows for quick identification, especially when used in distribution panels so the end-user inserts the correct connector type. Often users cannot see the connector plugged in on the backside of the panels, therefore the color indicates the SC connector that’s required.

SC connectors correspond with the adapter; most Singlemode SC/APC connectors have green outer shells while single-mode SC/PC connectors have blue outer shells.

It is quite simple to tell the connectors apart. APC connectors are green and PC connectors are either blue or black. The key thing to remember with RF over fiber is that green is good.

SC/APC adapters use premium zirconia split sleeves to achieve the tightest tolerance possible providing critical alignment of the two angle polished ferrules. Whether it is a single-mode SC/PC or SC/APC connector be sure to choose zirconia (ceramic) sleeve material rather than a phosphor bronze or polymer. The zirconia alignment sleeves have a tighter tolerance and better elasticity, maintaining tight tolerances after several matings.

What does SC APC stand for?

Sc/APC stands for “Standard Connector/ Angled Physical Contact”

What is the SC PC connector?

With a (U)PC connector, this light is reflected straight back into the source

APC vs PC Connectors

There is a big difference between APC and PC or UPC connectors. This difference is especially important when sending an RF signal.

PC and UPC are flat connectors with a straight polished fiber. ‘APC’ is an angled polished connector; the fiber is typically polished at an 8-degree angle.

With a (U)PC connector, this light is reflected straight back into the source. With an APC connector, the angle directs the light off into the sidewalls of the fiber where it is absorbed by the fiber jacket. So the light in APC connectors does not return to the source.

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